
Archive for September, 2009

Heavy Pencil 1st Anniversary!

Heavy Pencil celebrates its first anniversary tomorrow night at the ICA – featuring live illustration from Ian Stevenson, Anthony Burrill, Luke Best and Andrew Rae (both from Peepshow Collective).

How has a year already gone by?!  Check it out – should be BIG.



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Sky Planter

I love these Boskke Sky Planters by Patrick Morris – they remind me of the upside down trees outside the Mass Moca in Massachusetts (at the bottom).

They’re available through Thorsten Van Elten in the UK.  The smaller sizes are currently out of stock, but I’ll let you know when they’re back in.

Such a great, simple idea!

sky planter 1sky planter 2tree logic

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Brooklyn Flower School

For all you New Yorkers out there Miss Nicolette Camille and Miss Sarah Ryhanen will be hosting an Autumn Color Workshop on October 18th at Saipua in Brooklyn.  Read all about it here.

The class limit is 10 students – so get in there fast!

flower school

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Mapping the 7 Deadly Sins

Who knew Florida was so depraved?!

Via Wired. (Click on the image for better readability.)

deadly sins

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Supermarket Sarah

Supermarket Sarah is new shop in West London – run out of Miss Sarah’s flat!  Anything you see on her site is up for sale, and you can book an appointment to go and see it.  Genius.

Check out some of her goods below.  It’s like the shop version of the Saltoun Supper Club!

supermarket sarah 1supermarket sarah 3supermarket sarah 2

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Ercol in Colour

Orange & Brown are offering these classic Ercol designs in 7 vibrant colours.

Colour matching is also available.


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More on Highpoint

Yes – it’s worth two posts!

There is too much to cover in a hasty blog post – but enjoy these images of the penthouse in Highpoint II – Highpoint I‘s post-war neighbour.

This is the amazing space where where Lubetkin himself resided.  Where do you begin… The blue painted ceiling?  The Norwegian pine panelling?  The murals?  The view?  The decorative tiles??

I lurve it.

Images by Morley von Sternberg and Andreas Von Einsiedel (with watermarks).

Highpoint_Penthouse_M_D4FCDhighpoint 9


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