
Archive for the ‘Interiors’ Category

Time to move to a house in South Yorkshire designed by a ‘romantic pragmatist‘.

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Carpet Wall

Minakani Lab’s carpet inspired wallpaper (at least I think it’s wallpaper).  I was getting really bored with wall coverings until I saw this.

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Knotty Pine

Check out this amazing loft belonging to fashion superstars Inez & Vinoodh.  I really love the knotted wood – it’s a nice change from all those chipboard interiors!

Images by Simon Watson.

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The River Sauna

I can’t imagine a nicer place to get hot and sweaty.

Architecture by Jensen & Skodvin. Via ArchDaily.

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East London Council Flat

Love this place – there should really be more council flats featured in the mix.  It’s the home of furniture designer Martino Gemper and artist Francis Upritchard.

Via T Magazine.

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At Home with Amy Sedaris

How did I miss this?!  I’m already imagining myself sitting on that sofa and eating cheese balls together.

Via New York Magazine, images by Dean Kaufman.


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Retreat in Wood

I’d sleep very well here.

Via Old Chum.

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