
Archive for June, 2010

Foldaway Bookshop

The folks at Campaign have designed Foldaway Bookshop as a key destination for the London Festival of Architecture.  The pop-up shop is made entirely of folded carboard (which will promptly be recycled when it pops away) and features architectural books, magazines and classics.

It’s definitely worth checking out… AND it’s on Heddon Street so it’s all very central.


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Hostem Shop Opening

A gorgeous new menswear shop has opened on Redchurch Street.  Designed by duo JAMESPLUMB, the new Hostem shop features reclaimed floorboards, exposed bulbs and linen-lined walls to create an enticingly textural, raw, and evocative experience.

I know where I’ll be heading this weekend.

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Nigel Peake Tea Towel

Does anyone else fancy a Nigel Peake RHS tea towel?

Not sure where they’re for sale, but when I find out I’ll let you know.

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Wine to go

James Nash’s ‘tulip’ wine goblets are a proper stroke of genius.  Peel back the lid and enjoy.

Apparently they’re selling like hotcakes at M&S.  Has anyone tried them out?

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OK Go’s ‘End Love’

Check out this fun new video from OK Go directed by Eric Gunther and Jeff Lieberman.

The video uses various ‘time stretching’ techniques, following the boys as they romp around Echo Park.  The fastest time that is altered in the video is 48 hours of real-time compressed into 1  second  – yikes!

The big question is: I wonder if they actually slept in the park all night?

Also, keep your eyes peeled for the goose that steals the show.

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Private Paris Collection

Chicago-based Wright auction house just sold 100 works of art, furniture and design from one private, Parisian collector.

Each item is impressive on its own, but the collection as a whole (shown below as it was originally presented) is particularly breathtaking.

It’s quite possibly the most sophisticated interior I’ve ever seen.

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Sky Time

Ryohei Yoshiyuki’s ‘Time of the Sky’ wristwatch displays the colour of the sky, as opposed to the actual time.

Imagine if we all became attuned to sky colour and not numeric time?  Quite an amazing idea.

Via designboom.

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