
Archive for the ‘Sculpture’ Category

Snow Global

Snow globes inspired by oil spills from designer Neil Conley.


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Chris Garofalo’s ‘aquibotanous zoolatry’

Word of the Day: zoolatry (zo·ol·a·try) – meaning ‘the worship of animals’.  Try sneaking that one into a sentence today!

Via Rhona Hoffman Gallery.

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Forest of Woods

New custom made trees from Pen Pencil Stencil.

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I Pity Inanimate Objects

Opening this week… more info here.

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Janet Echelman’s Aerial Sculptures

Janet Echelman’s 230-foot-long polyester sculpture, 1.26.  The world’s cities could use some more aerial sculpture, don’t you think?

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Porcelain Jellyfish

This project is from 2007, but amazing nonetheless!  Hand sculpted porcelain jellyfish from coe&waito.

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Horse or Sea Horse?

I love a bit of iron – you feel you’re getting your money’s worth in weight alone.  Available here and here.

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