
Archive for October, 2010

Book Light

Colourful, book-inspired lights.  You can even design your own here!


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Amazing Mystery House

I have no idea where I found this – does anyone know anything about it?!

Update: Mystery solved! ‘Black Pearl’ residence – read all about it here.  Thanks for the tip, Katya!

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Fante Asafo Flags

Check out these amazing historic flags from Ghana.

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Rocking Lamb

Every child deserves one of these.

Ridiculous?  Yes.  Cute?  You bet.

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Emilio Gomariz – Extremity

This genuinely hurts my brain.

*Update: you’ve got to actually click on the image to animate it (an annoying template issue) – apologies… but worth the click!

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What is it with men and toys?

He’s almost like a real lion with his shiny hair and muscular body… but wait – what’s with that goofy expression?  Oh well, I love him all the more.

Available at .

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Rachel de Joode

An amazing and mad project from Dutch artist Rachel de Joode.

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