
Archive for December, 2009

Sixmix Ceramics from DMK

OK, another Christmas gift revealed!  These ‘Sixmix’ ceramic vessels from DMK are oh so satisfying.

Bottoms up.


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Matt Pugh Owls

Merry Christmas!  Now that the day of giving has past, it’s the perfect time to share some favourite gifts from the season and not ruin any surprises for friends and family.  Hope that’s not too selfish.

Firstly, check out these incredibly charming wooden owls from Matt Pugh.  (The consensus is that the green-headed ones are indeed the best.)

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Hindsvik Vintage

My jaw just dropped.  The Handsvik Vintage etsy shop is truly truly truly fantastic.  Too late for any Christmas shopping now… I’ll just have to spend some Christmas money there come January.

Thanks for the top tip from Carly Waito!

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Biltoven Villas

Hmm – I’ve got a little crush on this house from Cita Architects.  I’m totally feeling the 70’s vibe.

Via Contemporist.

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Mr. Rodrigo Almeida

It’s so refreshing to see new designs that don’t feel ‘on trend’ – just full out creative and original.  This work from Rodrigo Almeida is fantastic, don’t you think?

Via Yatzer.

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Avis Compound Granary

Hello modern farm.

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Horror Sound Machine

I’ve meaning to blog about this awesome gift for ages.   It’s a sound machine full of fun horror sounds – wolf howls, creepy witches laughter, thunder cracks, creaky floorboards, hooting owls and more.  It’s clearly meant for kids – but it’s a great stocking stuffer for adults.   A friend bought one and we played with it for a surprisingly (worryingly?) long time.

It might still be available at the Science Museum but it’s also on sale online here.

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