
Archive for the ‘Architecture’ Category

Time to move to a house in South Yorkshire designed by a ‘romantic pragmatist‘.

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Garden Studio

This is quite possibly the most sophisticated garden room I’ve ever seen.  It functions as a workspace and cinema (of course).  Basically, it’s your typical Hackney garden shed!

Via Trendland, designed by LATIS.

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A Very Narrow House

House K by Hiroyuki Shinozaki Architects.

Via Dezeen.

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Villa Shodhan

Le Corbusier’s stunning villa in Ahmedabad, India.  Perfection.

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The River Sauna

I can’t imagine a nicer place to get hot and sweaty.

Architecture by Jensen & Skodvin. Via ArchDaily.

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Winnipeg Skating Shelters

Love these plywood shelters from Patkau Architects, designed for one of the coldest cities in the world.  They’re like a big cluster of penguins.

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Swiss Retreat

What an amazing destination.

Image by Bradley Jace.

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