
Archive for the ‘Book’ Category

Luminograms of mushrooms – a surprisingly satisfying and magical combination.

‘The Mushroom Picker’ by David Robinson, available here.

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Blexbolex People

. The follow up to .

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‘All My Friends Are Dead’

Very funny and available .

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Amy Sedaris’ ‘Crafts for Poor People’

Oh, Amy – I love you so!


Table of contents:
1. Coconuts
2. Fake Candle Making
3. The Joy of Poverty
4. Handicraftable
5. Safety Meetin’
6. Crafting for the Dead, and Other Celebrations
7. Confectioneries
8. Sick Room
9. Crafting for Jesus
10. Hay Burners
11. Making Love
12. Sausages
13. Teenager Crafts, or Teenagers Have a lot of Pain
14. Unreturnable Homemade Gift Giving
15. Knowing Your Knack for Knick-Knacks

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