
Archive for the ‘Trends’ Category

Blanket Jacket

Ok, ok – blanket cape.  Fine.  But how about a blanket jacket?

I wasn’t even looking for more when I stumbled up on this:  a hunting jacket made from a Pendleton blanket.

The trend continues…

Via Selectism.


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Blanket as Cape

Thanks Sarah for spotting this on The Sartorialist.

I guess I’m not alone in my obsession with these prints.


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Ann-Marie James at First Floor

James Tregaskes’ First Floor Projects (a gallery set up in his house) will be hosting the first solo-show from artist Ann-Marie James starting next week.

Oh how I love the blue biro!

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Green Housing

Green houses, green roofs, green walls – they’re growing everywhere!

Via Dezeen, ArchDaily, Design4D, archiCentral and the amazing ‘vertical gardener’ Patrick Blanc.


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Xavier Veilhan’s ‘Sophie’

Artist Xavier Veilhan has built a fantastic site-specific, supersized sculpture entitled ‘Sophie’ for new Paris restaurant, Le Germain (designed by India Mahdavi.)  As you can see, Sophie is a very tall girl and spans two floors.  Vielhan has posted images of the whole process of making ‘Sophie’, which are particularly interesting.

PLUS she’s faceted!

Via Changethethought.

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The house that Lego built

There is definitely a Lego trend going around at the minute – they’re everywhere!  I particularly love Attila Hartwig‘s Lego interiors with their atmospheric light.

This is the pinnacle of minimalist chic.

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More Faceted Items!

Just stumbled on these ‘crushed’ bowls by Julien de Smedt for Muuto.

The faceted trend continues!

(The bowls are available here.)


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