
The River Sauna

I can’t imagine a nicer place to get hot and sweaty.

Architecture by Jensen & Skodvin. Via ArchDaily.

This is a photograph

Another reason to visit Iceland.  Reminds me of these.

Photography by Wild Wonders of Europe for National Geographic.

Hold Your Horses

$20 from the Neighborhood Studio.

Blexbolex People

. The follow up to .

East London Council Flat

Love this place – there should really be more council flats featured in the mix.  It’s the home of furniture designer Martino Gemper and artist Francis Upritchard.

Via T Magazine.

Canvas Pots

Fantastic canvas vessels from Serax, available here.

Praise for a bar of soap

Call me old-fashioned, but I still prefer a bar of soap –  and these London-made beauties are particularly appealing.