
Posts Tagged ‘Giò Ponti’

Palazzo Palazzo

If you’re going for a sort of impressive/ grand/ palatial feel in your home – then I guess this is the way to do it.

This 17th century Milanese palazzo features stunning terrazzo floors, 28 foot ceilings, and original frescoes.  And if that’s not impressive enough, the bathroom was redesigned by Giò Ponti in the 1920’s (featuring a pretty spectacular green marble floor and gold tiled walls.)

The relatively sparse (if you can use that word) furnishings really set the place off.

Via New York Times, images by Tom Mannion.


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La Quinta El Cerrito – Part Due

I posted about Giò Ponti’s stunning La Quinta El Cerrito (also called Villa Planchart) ages ago – but never posted the exterior.  I actually didn’t realize how stunning it was from the outside as well.

This house continues to blow my mind.

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I tore these pages out of World of Interiors a few years ago, but have held on to them because they completely blew me away.  Check out this truly inspirational villa in Caracas designed by Italian architect, designer and artist extraordinaire, Giò Ponti.  I can’t say enough about the splendour of this house – dubbed ‘La Quinta El Cerrito’ (translates to ‘The Little Hill House’).  I particularly love the Harlequin-inspired marble floors, the revolving yellow cabinets (to hide the controversial stag heads), the indoor raised flower beds, the single ‘walnut bed’ and the pattered ceilings.  It’s all a bit mad – but together it works perfectly.  The house was finished in 1957 – but 50 years later looks incredibly contemporary… now  that is visionary!


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